NCCH works as a team with families, caregivers, and partner organizations to help individuals navigate the transition to independent living. To be eligible to establish a lease in a NCCH home, an individual must qualify for services from the county board where the individual resides. This is the first step in the eligibility process for potential placement in a NCCH home.
Application for services can be made at any time by a parent, family member, friend or guardian. An individual must complete an intake application for services with the county board of developmental disabilities in the county which they live.
A Support Administrator (SA) is assigned to an individual once an intake application has been completed. The SA becomes the main point of contact for most adults who are determined eligible for services. An individual, parent, family member, guardian, etc. can work directly with a Support Administrator to request information about NCCH housing options that are available to meet the specific needs of the applicant.
Fair Housing For People With Disabilities
Since 1983, The Fair Housing Center has promoted nondiscrimination in housing and integrated communities for residents of Northeast Ohio through:
Federal and state fair housing laws prohibit housing discrimination based on disability. A resident is protected under the fair housing laws if they:
Disabilities include, but are not limited to:
Hearing, mobility and visual disabilities
Chronic mental illness
Developmental disabilities
Alcholism or past drug abuse
No inquires into the existence or nature of a disability are permitted.
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